The Supported Path

for Spiritual Therapists

A year-long, 8 person, group container that meets 1x month. The group blends elements of community building, peer consultation, didactic teaching about different spiritual modalities and how they can be incorporated into therapeutic practices and ritual technology.

Application form can be found here:

All applicants are interviewed to ensure goodness of fit. Sometimes I notice a trend emerging and I do my best to honor that. If for whatever reason a group forms where someone isn’t a good fit, I will invite you to consider joining the next group container. This is never about you as a person. Instead, I do my best to consider spiritual backgrounds, preferences, theapeutic backgrounds, interests and skill-level.

Dates are decided by the cohort as they form.

Cost is $100/session.

Not sure if this is right for you? Connect with us via our contact page.


Sex Education and Intimacy Coaching


Reading Group